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Light - Changes - Interactions - Surface

Exploring the changes within a space light has over a period of time. Our interactions over time change within a space due to the changes in the materiality; how does light as a material then affect those changes. Do we move with the light do we hide from it or embrace it. What feelings do we get from space? Using a domestic space to explore are we able to then manufacture and intercept both our interaction with light within a space but also how the light is influencing the space. Exploring how Placing different thickness and Opacities in fabric in front of a light source then intercepts and changes the light within a space. Are we able to see movement or imprints of the fabric. How do we then encounter the space now? Does it change the way we interact within site. Does it enhance or hinder our experience within a space. What feelings are produced both times within the space.

a warm cosy encounter is framed through the imprints the windows create.

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